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Transform Your Voice It's Not Rocket Science College Audition Preparation
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Voice Lessons in NYC







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The Shigo Voice Studio integrates the principles of the Classical Italian Song-Schools, scientific understanding of vocal function, and the healing power of music in a supportive environment.

Learn more

My goal is to help you find your true, authentic voice; sing with great style, ease and beauty; and share your unique gift with the world.
— Daniel Shigo
keith and daniel studio  – Version 2.jpg
daniel and charles studio  – Version 3.jpg
Version 2.jpg


Has your vocal technique stopped working, or never worked to begin with? Do you have advanced degrees but can’t get work? Are you a voice teacher looking for tools that pull everything together? Contact Daniel for voice lessons in New York City and online.

Get on the list


Lessons via FACETIME, SKYPE and ZOOM. High speed internet and high Hz frequency UBS connected microphone recommended.


Daniel’s teaching is a wonderful marriage of science and art. Who could ask for anything more?
— Josephine Mongiardo, Barnard College, Columbia University
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